Step 1: Clone the adventure-layer-scripts repo

  `git clone`

Step 2: Initialize and Run the Nitro Testnode

cd nitro-testnode
./test-node.bash --init --detach
  • cd nitro-testnode: Navigate to the nitro-testnode directory.
  • ./test-node.bash --init --detach: Initialize and run the Nitro testnode in the background.
    • --init: Initialize the node, setting up necessary configurations and downloading required resources.
    • --detach: Run the node in the background, freeing up the current terminal.

Step 3: Run the Nitro Testnode

./test-node.bash --detach
  • This command runs the Nitro testnode in the background, assuming the initialization step has been completed.
  • --detach: Run the node in the background.

Step 4: Help and Further Scripts

./test-node.bash script --help
  • This command provides help and information about additional scripts and options available with the Nitro testnode.
  • script --help: Displays help information for available scripts.